A 30 Day Plan To Get You Up And Running With Disc Golf

Hey there, disc golf enthusiasts and curious newbies! Are you ready to take your love (or newfound interest) for this sport to the next level? Well, buckle up, because we’ve got a 30-day training guide that’s going to turn you into a disc golf pro in no time.

30-Day Disc Golf Training Guide for Beginners

This plan will give you a months worth of training, it is a crash course in disc golf that is going to travel at the speed of light. You don’t need to be on the course or in a practice field for 30 days. A lot of it is about having the right mindset. I also have broke each day down and linked it out to some further information of what’s required to understand the concepts, or training that must be undertaken. You don’t necessarily need to read each section but its here if you need it.


Day 1: Introduction to Disc Golf

  • Learn the basic rules and objectives of the game (as well as how to avoid that one annoying guy who always talks about his “personal best” round)
  • What do you do? The objective of disc golf is to finish each hole in the least amount of shots as throws possible. If you get the lowest score, you win the game, and the glory, and the bragging rights……But don’t be that guy, stay humble!.
  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of discs used in the sport: There are three main types of discs in disc golf – putters, mid-ranges, and drivers. Putters are used for short and accurate shots, mid-ranges for medium-distance shots, and drivers for long-distance shots.
  • Get an overview of the course, including the tee pad, basket, and obstacles aka the “hazards” of the sport  (trees, bushes, and bodies of water)

Read more about understanding Day 1 here.

Day 2-3: Putting Practice

  • Focus on getting the basic putting technique down, including grip, stance, and follow-through (you’ll be nailing those birdies in no time)
  • Practice from different distances and angles: Practice putting from different distances and angles to improve your accuracy and confidence. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase the distance as you get more comfortable.

Read more Days 2-3 supplementary information about Putting Practice here.

Day 4-6: Mid-Range Discs

  • Learn how to throw mid-range discs: Mid-range discs are used for medium-distance shots, and the key to throwing them effectively is to have a good grip, a stable stance, and a smooth release.
  • Practice different types of shots: Practice throwing straight shots, hyzer shots (when the disc is tilted to the right), and anhyzer shots (when the disc is tilted to the left). Pay attention to the flight patterns of each shot and how they behave in different wind conditions.

Days 4-6 Supplementary Material on mid-range discs for beginners available here.

Day 7-9: Driver Discs

  • Introduce driver discs into your practice routine and learn how to throw them effectively (time to show off your arm strength)
  • Work on developing distance control and accuracy (or as we call it, “disc golf marksmanship”)
  • Driver discs are used for long-distance shots and are typically the fastest and most overstable of all the discs. To throw a driver effectively, you need to have a good arm speed, a stable form, and a consistent release. Start with shorter distance throws and gradually increase the distance as you get more comfortable.

Days 7-9 Supplementary information about Driver Discs available here

Day 10-12: Obstacle shots

  • Start incorporating obstacles (trees, bushes, etc.) into your practice sessions (because let’s face it, the real challenge of disc golf is navigating the course)
  • Practice different types of shots that will help you navigate around obstacles on the course (AKA: The ultimate test of your disc golf skills)

Days 7-9 Supplementary info about Obstacle shots here

Day 13-15: Playing on the Course

  • Visit a local disc golf course and start playing rounds: Now that you have a good understanding of the different types of discs and shots, it’s time to put your skills to the test on the course.
  • Focus on using the skills and shots you have learned so far: During your first few rounds, focus on using the skills and shots you have learned so far, and pay attention to what works well and what needs improvement.

Days 13-15 Follow-on information on disc golf courses here

Day 16-18: Shot Selection

  • Start learning how to make strategic shot selections: Shot selection is key in disc golf, as it allows you to navigate the course in the most efficient way possible.
  • Analyze the course and plan your shots before each throw: Before each shot, take a moment to analyze the course and plan your shot accordingly. Consider factors such as wind conditions, obstacles, and your own personal strengths and weaknesses.

Here’s a previous post I have done that takes you through the major shot types available to dic golf players.

Day 19-21: Mental Game

  • Learn about the importance of mental preparation and visualization in disc golf (a clear mind is a happy mind)
  • Start developing mental strategies that will help you stay focused and confident on the course (aka “keeping your head in the game”)

Day 22-24: Course Management

  • Learn how to plan and execute each shot, including strategy for approaching the basket (AKA “playing smart”)
  • Learn how to manage your time and pace on the course: Good course management means playing at a steady pace, allowing enough time for each shot, and avoiding time-wasting activities.
  • Develop a pre-shot routine: Having a consistent pre-shot routine can help you stay focused and minimize distractions on the course. This can help you with your decision making, and can reduce mental overload and stress. It’s better to hit a shot that goes badly than to take 5 mins deliberating what disc or what shot to play.  Which leads nicely on to the next point.
  • Work on reducing mental and physical errors during play (because nobody likes a disc golfer who can’t stay on course) – how do you do this? By making flowing decisions on the course, by practising all you can out of the course and being a good student of the sport and being humble on the course.

Day 25-27: Rules and Etiquette

  • Study the rules and regulations of disc golf and become familiar with proper etiquette (because being a good sport is just as important as being a good player)
  • Start applying these principles to your own play (because nobody likes a rule-breaker)
  • Learn about good sportsmanship and etiquette: Good sportsmanship and etiquette are important in disc golf, and include things like respecting other players, avoiding distractions, and keeping the course clean.


Day 28-30: Advanced Techniques

  • Learn about advanced techniques, such as rollers and skip shots: Once you have a solid foundation of basic skills, you can start exploring more advanced techniques such as rollers (when the disc rolls along the ground) and skip shots (when the disc skips off the ground).
  • learning these throws will take you beyond days 28-30. Just get familiar with them now and you’ll learn to perfect them as you get more gametime under your belt. Here’s some of the throws you should familiarise yourself with: rollers, hyzer flips, forehands, spike hyzers, thumbers, forehand flex shots.
  • Incorporate these techniques into your game: Start practicing these advanced techniques and incorporate them into your game as you see fit. Keep in mind that these techniques are optional, and using them effectively takes a lot of practice and skill.

And there you have it! 30 days of training to help you get started on your disc golf journey. Keep practicing, keep playing, and most importantly, have fun!




Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you like this you may want to bookmark this page and come back to these related posts after a few months. They can help you progress much further.

Be sure to check out this post on ” Disc Golf Throws 101” to get a good grounding on all the throws you need to master. Just watch it after you settle into the game for a few weeks.

Here’s 2 more to check out on that have tutorials on throwing techniques:

How To Throw A Flex Shot Without The Frustration

How To Make Your Discs Fly Straight – 10 Reasons You’re Getting It Wrong

Come back to this next one when you have bit more game time in –

Forehand Shots – Disc Golf Throwing Analysis with 18 Power Form Tips