Professional PDGA Tour Rules & Players

The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) is the governing body for the sport of disc golf, and it hosts a professional tour for top players. The PDGA Tour consists of a series of professional-level disc golf tournaments held throughout the year. These tournaments feature cash prizes and are open to all PDGA members who meet certain eligibility requirements.

The PDGA National Tour has a number of events that are held throughout the year at various locations across the United States. The top finishers in each event earn points towards their overall standing on the tour, and the players with the most points at the end of the season are crowned the National Tour champions. The National Tour is considered to be the highest level of professional disc golf competition in the world, and it attracts the best players from around the globe.


Basic PDGA Tour Rules

  1. Players must use the discs provided in their player’s pack or approved by the tournament director.
  2. Players must throw from within the designated tee area and throw to the designated hole.
  3. Players must throw in the order determined by the scorekeeper.
  4. Players receive a penalty throw if they throw out of turn, throw from the wrong tee, or throw the wrong disc.
  5. A player’s throw is complete when the disc comes to rest or is marked by the player or an official.
  6. Players must play the course in its designated order.
  7. The player whose disc is farthest from the hole always throws first.
  8. Players must complete each hole in the number of throws listed on the scorecard or fewer.
  9. Players receive a one-throw penalty for each rule violation.
  10. The player with the lowest score after all holes are completed is the winner.
  11. Players must follow the procedures for marking their lie and for determining their order of play.
  12. Players may not touch any loose debris or movable obstacles within their throwing area.
  13. Players may not improve their lie, the throwing area, or the area of their intended flight path by moving or altering any natural objects.
  14. Players must play their disc as it lies, except when taking a penalty throw.
  15. Players must announce their intentions and show their disc to their playing partners before each throw.
  16. Players must wait until all players in their group have thrown before moving on to the next hole.
  17. Players must allow faster groups to play through.
  18. Players must record their score accurately and truthfully on the scorecard.
  19. Players must return their scorecard to the scorekeeper after completing the round.
  20. Sure! Here are some more official rules for PDGA-sanctioned disc golf tournaments:
  21. Players may not use any illegal or non-PDGA approved equipment during a tournament round.
  22. Players may not receive advice or help from anyone other than their playing partners during a tournament round.
  23. Players must report any violations of the rules to the tournament director.
  24. Players must follow the dress code and other policies set forth by the tournament director.
  25. Players are responsible for their own actions and behavior during a tournament.
  26. Players must abide by the PDGA Code of Conduct and Spirit of the Game.
  27. Players must report any discrepancies or disputes to the tournament director as soon as they occur.
  28. Players must accept the decisions of the tournament director as final.
  29. Players may be disqualified from a tournament for violating any of the above rules or for unsportsmanlike conduct.



The top players on the PDGA Tour are some of the best disc golfers in the world. They are known for their exceptional skill, consistency, and sportsmanship on the course. Some of the top players in recent years have included:

    1. Paul McBeth: A four-time PDGA World Champion, McBeth is widely regarded as one of the greatest disc golfers of all time. He has won numerous tournaments and holds several course and distance records.
    2. Ricky Wysocki: A two-time PDGA World Champion, Wysocki is known for his powerful throws and consistent play. He has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour. He has made over $500k in career earnings and is known under the moniker ‘Sockibomb’.
    3. Paige Pierce: A five-time PDGA World Champion, Pierce is one of the top female players on the tour. She has won numerous tournaments and is known for her accuracy, distance control, timing and form. What a beast for beng only 5ft 5 inches.
    4. Nate Sexton: A veteran player on the tour, Sexton is known for his smooth, consistent play. He has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite for his outgoing personality.
    5. Simon Lizotte: A German player known for his powerful throws and impressive distance, Lizotte has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    6. Eagle McMahon: A young player who burst onto the scene in recent years, McMahon is known for his aggressive play and big drives. He has won several tournaments and is a rising star on the tour. Already on his way to making $300k career earnings as of 2023.
    7. Jeremy Koling: A veteran player on the tour, Koling is known for his consistent play and ability to navigate challenging courses. He has won numerous tournaments and is respected by his peers for his sportsmanship.
    8. Sarah Hokom: A top female player on the tour, Hokom is known for her accuracy and strategic play. She has won several tournaments and is a formidable opponent on the course.
    9. Catrina Allen: Another top female player on the tour, Allen is known for her powerful throws and impressive distance. She has won numerous tournaments and is respected by her peers for her sportsmanship.
    10. Austin Hannum: A young player known for his powerful throws and impressive distance, Hannum has won several tournaments and is a rising star on the tour.
    11. Christian Dietrich: A veteran player on the tour, Dietrich is known for his strategic play and ability to navigate challenging courses. He has won numerous tournaments and is respected by his peers for his sportsmanship.
    12. Paige Bjerkaas: A top female player on the tour, Bjerkaas is known for her accuracy and consistent play. She has won several tournaments and is a formidable opponent on the course.
    13. Philo Brathwaite: A player known for his smooth, consistent play, Brathwaite has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    14. Jessica Weese: A top female player on the tour, Weese is known for her powerful throws and impressive distance. She has won several tournaments and is respected by her peers for her sportsmanship.
    15. Paul Ulibarri: A veteran player on the tour, Ulibarri is known for his powerful throws and impressive distance. He has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    16. James Conrad: A player known for his consistent play and ability to navigate challenging courses, Conrad has won several tournaments and is respected by his peers for his sportsmanship.
    17. Hannah Leatherman: A top female player on the tour, Leatherman is known for her accuracy and strategic play. She has won several tournaments and is a formidable opponent on the course.
    18. Michael Johansen: A player known for his smooth, consistent play, Johansen has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    19. Nicole Bradley: A top female player on the tour, Bradley is known for her powerful throws and impressive distance. She has won several tournaments and is respected by her peers for her sportsmanship.
    20. Chris Dickerson: A veteran player on the tour, Dickerson is known for his powerful throws and impressive distance. He has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    21. Karen Ehrhart: A top female player on the tour, Ehrhart is known for her accuracy and consistent play. She has won several tournaments and is a formidable opponent on the course.
    22. Cale Leiviska: A player known for his strategic play and ability to navigate challenging courses, Leiviska has won several tournaments and is respected by his peers for his sportsmanship.
    23. Des Reading: A player known for his smooth, consistent play, Reading has won numerous tournaments and is a fan favorite on the tour.
    24. Valarie Jenkins: A four-time PDGA World Champion and one of the top female players on the tour, Jenkins is known for her powerful throws and impressive distance. She has won numerous tournaments and is respected by her peers for her sportsmanship.



Alternatives To The PDGA Tour – The Disc Golf Pro Tour

The Disc Golf Pro Tour is a professional disc golf tour that was founded in 2017. It is separate from the PDGA National Tour and is operated by Disc Golf Pro Tour, LLC. The Disc Golf Pro Tour consists of a series of events that are held throughout the year at various locations in the United States. The top finishers in each event earn points towards their overall standing on the tour, and the players with the most points at the end of the season are crowned the Pro Tour champions. The Disc Golf Pro Tour is considered to be one of the premier professional disc golf tours in the world and attracts some of the best players in the sport.

Check out the Current 2023 Tour Card standings here.


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If you are confused about the flight numbers on discs and what they mean be sure to read my “Disc Golf Numbers Explained” post. Thanks for stopping by. Hit up the contact page if here’s any specific topics you’d like me to address. I’m trying to build up the site to cover all bases. If you enjoy writing or sharing your disc golf experiences also get in touch via the contact page and perhaps you can share your posts on the site.